Strategic Plan
Goal: To Disseminate Information and Exchange Ideas
Objective: Develop Publications to inform membership and prospective members
Objective: Have SACRAO representative attend state and national meetings
- Send SACRAO representative to state meetings
- Send SACRAO representatives to AACRAO
Objective: Inform first-time attendees of SACRAO structure, meetings and goals
- Encourage SACRAO members to be Mentors
- Send information to new members about annual meeting
- Hold a reception at SACRAO for first-time attendees
- Have an orientation program at SACRAO for first-time attendees
Goal: To Provide Leadership in Policy Interpretations and Implementations
Objective: Conduct Professional workshops and meetings to keep membership informed of current practices and changes in the profession
- Offer sessions and workshops at SACRAO meetings to inform membership
- Print articles in the Newsletter concerning new policies and changes
- Encourage SACRAO members to participate in AACRAO committees
- Print Executive Committee deliberations in the Newsletter
Goal: To Promote standards and best practices affecting admissions officers, registrars and other academic support and student service professionals.
Objective: Recognize individuals within membership who have contributed to the advancement of the profession
- Encourage members to write articles for the SACRAO Journal
- Encourage members to write articles for the SACRAO Newsletter
- Evaluate sessions at meetings and acknowledge the "Best Session"
- Encourage members to nominate individuals for the "Certificate of Appreciation"
- Encourage members to nominate individuals for the "Distinguished Service Award"
- Review articles in the SACRAO Journal and recognize outstanding article--"Margaret Ruthven Perry Award"
- Multicultural Award for State Excellence
- Individual Multicultural Scholarship
Objective: Provide both internal and external experts for programs
- Invite non-SACRAO members to annual meetings to conduct sessions
- Choose Keynote speakers for meetings who provide leadership and guidance for our profession
- Conduct workshops on new policies
Objective: Evaluate program sessions, workshops and conferences
- Distribute evaluations at sessions
- Review and rate evaluations
- Review and evaluation summaries
Goal: To foster a friendly spirit of unity and cooperation among its members
Objective: Promote and provide opportunities for members to get acquainted
- Encourage new members to attend new member orientation/reception
- Encourage at least 50% of SACRAO members to visit hospitality suite at least once
- Encourage at least 85% of registered attendees to attend SACRAO sponsored social events at the annual meeting
- Encourage at least 50% of registered attendees to attend SACRAO breakfast meeting
Objective: Plan and advertise SACRAO at AACRAO reception
- Plan and promote reception
Objective: Conduct sessions at annual meetings to get members involved
- Encourage members to attend town meeting
- Encourage members to attend forums
Objective: Encourage SACRAO members to mentor new members
- Promote mentoring program
Goal: To reflect in the activities of the organization a balanced representation of personal and professional characteristics such as professional area of responsibility, gender, ethnicity, state and institutional type.
Objective: Increase participation of institutions within SACRAO region who are not members
- Identify institutions which are not members
- Send information to non-member institutions
Objective: Increase the participation of the under-represented SACRAO members within the organization
- Identify minority SACRAO members
- Develop a campaign to get minority members involved
- Plan and conduct special sessions to promote minorities