Constitution & BylawsConstitutionArticle I. NameThe name of the corporation shall be the Southern Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, Inc., hereinafter also referred to as SACRAO. Article II. PurposesThe corporation is a non-profit, professional association whose purposes shall be to provide for the spread of information and the interchange of ideas on problems of common interest; to contribute to the advancement of higher education in its fullest and broadest implications; to foster a friendly spirit of unity and cooperation among its members; and to function as a unifying and coordinating agency among the separate state organizations represented in SACRAO, and with the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers. SACRAO shall encourage and promote cooperation with the state/regional associations within SACRAO and assist in their separate meetings and professional development activities. Article III. Membership and VotingSection 1. Institutional MembershipInstitutional membership shall be open to employees of any collegiate institution located in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia or West Virginia, as well as the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Section 2. Honorary MembershipIndividuals no longer eligible for institutional membership in the Association may be recommended for continued affiliation as honorary members. This honor is reserved for persons retiring or leaving the Association who made significant contributions to the profession and to the Association. A membership fee is not required of honorary members. This membership is non-voting. Section 3. Educational Agency MembershipState Educational Boards or Agencies of Higher Education, within the SACRAO borders, may apply for educational agency membership. This membership is non-voting. Section 4. Corporate MembershipOrganizations that are not collegiate or state-related educational boards or agencies may apply for corporate membership. This membership is non-voting. Section 5. Graduate Student MembershipGraduate students interested in pursuing careers in the profession are eligible to apply for graduate student membership. This membership is non-voting. Section 6. Associate MembershipIndividuals who are not otherwise eligible for any other membership in SACRAO and who desire to participate in its activities may apply for associate membership. This membership is non-voting. Section 7. VotingVoting is limited to institutional members. An institutional member is one for whom current institutional membership dues have been paid. Article IV. Executive Committee Duties, Responsibilities and ElectionsSection 1. Executive CommitteeThe Executive Committee shall be composed of fourteen officers, the Chair of the Local Arrangements Committee for the upcoming Annual Meeting, the Chair of the Local Arrangements Committee for the next consecutive Annual meeting, the Chair of the Local Arrangements Committee for a past Annual meeting, the Corporate Partner Liaison, and the Treasurer-elect. Executive Committee members must be institutional members of the Association. Section 2. Terms of OfficeThe term of office shall be one year for the President, the President-Elect, and the Immediate Past President. The president appoints the Corporate Partner Liaison (CPL) for a term of three years, and a past LAC chair for a term of one year. Section 3. Duties of OfficersA. The President shall implement all provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association; shall preside at all meetings of the Association at which present; shall act as Chair of the Executive Committee; and shall be responsible for the supervision of all Association activities.
B. The President-Elect shall be the principal assistant to the President; shall coordinate the Annual Meeting program; shall perform all of the duties of the President in the absence of that officer; and shall perform other assignments, which may be delegated by the President.
C. The Immediate Past President shall chair the Constitution and Bylaws and SACRAO Site Selection Committees and perform other duties, which may be requested by the Executive Committee. D. The Vice Presidents shall have the following responsibilities:
F. The Treasurer shall record the payment of annual dues; shall be responsible for the payment of expenses of the Association; shall secure the approval of the President before payment; shall prepare financial statements for the Executive Committee; and at the close of the fiscal year shall prepare a complete financial report. This report shall be audited by the Auditing Committee appointed by the President, and the report of the Auditing Committee shall be presented to the Executive Committee and to the Association. The Treasurer shall perform such other duties as may be requested by the Executive Committee.
G. The Treasurer-Elect is a non-voting member of the Executive Committee and serves for an elected term of one year, which begins at the annual business meeting. The Treasurer-Elect’s first year is to learn the processes and procedures related to the position of Treasurer, along with other duties, as assigned. This officer succeeds to become the Treasurer of the association for a two-year term, at which point they become voting members of the Executive Committee. H. The Corporate Partner Liaison (CPL) is a non-voting member of the Executive Committee and serves for an appointed term of three years, which begins at the annual business meeting. The CPL will be responsible for maintaining and building relationships with existing corporate partners as well as cultivating relationships with new corporate partners, based on emerging technology and trends in admissions and registrar fields. The CPL will advise the annual meeting LAC and CP Chair on corporate partner participation and serve as a resource for each annual meeting LAC and CP Chair. I. The Past Local Arrangement Chair (PLAC) is required to be an active institutional member of SACRAO and have previous experience as a past LAC chair. The Past Local Arrangement Chair serves as a non-voting member of the Executive Committee and acts as an advisor, consultant, and mentor for both the current and incoming LAC chairs.
Section 4. Election of the Executive CommitteeThe slate of nominees for the SACRAO officer positions proposed by the Nominations and Elections Committee shall be submitted to the membership in writing at least thirty (30) days in advance of the Annual Meeting. The Nominations and Elections Committee will make every reasonable effort to reflect among the selected candidates a variety of personal and professional characteristics represented in the membership such as professional area of responsibility, gender, ethnicity, state and institutional type. No state shall be represented by more than three voting members on the Executive Committee in any given year, except in a case where a member who was elected by the membership moves to another state which is already represented by three voting members. Section 5. Unexpired TermsWith the exception of the office of President-Elect, the Executive Committee shall have the authority to fill any vacancy by the appointment of another member for the remainder of the unexpired term. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President-Elect, the Nominations and Elections Committee shall nominate a slate of nominees for the office and conduct a special election to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term. Any individual elected or appointed to serve an unexpired term shall be eligible to serve a succeeding full term or terms, as provided for in the constitution. Section 6. Removal of Executive Committee MemberShould an officer of the Executive Committee not meet or fulfill the obligations of the office that the individual holds, that officer may be removed from office if:A. There is a majority vote of the elected officers of the Executive Committee, and the removal of an officer is necessary to provide the membership with the leadership that is expected to meet the mission and goals of the Organization and the position held. A member of the Executive Committee will notify the officer of the final decision. Article V. AmendmentsThe Constitution may be amended at any Annual Meeting or by online vote by majority vote of eligible institutional members voting, provided the substance of the proposed amendment shall have been submitted to the membership in writing at least thirty (30) days in advance of the Annual Meeting or of the closing of online voting. If not proposed in advance, the amendment shall require a two-thirds vote of the members voting. BylawsArticle I. MeetingsSection 1.The Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held at a time and place to be fixed by the Executive Committee. Section 2.Special meetings of the Association may be called by the Executive Committee upon written notice to the general membership at least thirty (30) days prior to the called meeting. Section 3.Meetings of the Association shall be conducted in accordance with the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised. Prior to each meeting of the Association, the President shall appoint a Parliamentarian whose role shall be to assist the chair in questions of meeting order and parliamentary procedure. Article II. Membership/DuesSection 1. Membership YearThe membership year of the Association shall be from July 1 through June 30. Section 2. DuesChanges to the dues for institutional, educational agency, corporate, graduate student, and associate members will be submitted to the membership for approval at the Annual Meeting by the Executive Committee. Section 3. Membership RenewalRenewal notices shall be mailed to the membership by June 1 with dues payable on or before October 15.
Article III. Fiscal YearThe fiscal year of the Association shall be from January 1 through December 31. Article IV. Committees and AppointmentsSection 1.A five-member Nominations and Elections (N&E) Committee shall be elected by the membership. N&E Committee members must be institutional members of the association. Election shall be from a pool of eight candidates proposed by the membership and selected by the Nominations and Elections Committee. No state shall be represented by more than two candidates including the incoming chair. The Nominations and Elections Committee will make every reasonable effort to reflect among the candidates selected the variety of personal and professional characteristics represented in the membership such as professional area of responsibility, gender, ethnicity, state, and institutional type. The election, to be concluded no later than May 30, shall be conducted by the Chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee, who is also responsible for tabulating the votes and reporting the results to the membership. Among the four candidates receiving the largest number of votes, the individual receiving the highest vote total will be the Chair-Elect. The Chair-Elect will assume the role of Chair in the second year to provide continuity. Except for the Chair-Elect, no member shall be eligible to serve again on the Nominations and Elections Committee until five years have elapsed from the end of the year's service. This same provision shall apply to the Chair-Elect after serving as Chair. After election to the committee membership and during service on the committee, a member shall not be eligible for nomination to an association office nor become eligible by resigning from the committee. Past Presidents of the Association may not serve on the Nominations and Elections Committee. Section 2.The President shall appoint a Chair for the Local Arrangements Committee for the next consecutive Annual Meeting. Section 3.An Auditing Committee shall be appointed by the President for each Annual Meeting. This Committee shall review the books of the organization to include Treasurer and LAC for the preceding year. Section 4.A Finance Committee, composed of the President, the Immediate Past President, the President-Elect, the Treasurer, the Treasurer-Elect, and the Corporate Partner Liaison, shall oversee the fiscal activities of the Association. The outgoing Treasurer shall serve as an ex-officio member of this Committee. Section 5.A Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall be appointed by the President, chaired by the Immediate Past President, to recommend any necessary changes which need to be brought before the Association. Section 6.A Federal Advocacy Committee shall be appointed by the President to assist SACRAO and provide guidance in regards to federal regulations and other federal initiatives. Section 7.A Recognitions and Awards Committee shall be appointed by the President and will report to the Vice President for Communications and Recognition. Section 8.A Scholarship committee shall be appointed by the President and will report to the Vice President for Communications and Recognition. Section 9.A SACRAO Journal Editorial Board shall be appointed by the President. Section 10.The President may appoint other committees as necessary. Article V. AmendmentsThese Bylaws may be amended at any Annual Meeting by majority vote of members present and voting, provided the substance of the proposed amendment shall have been submitted to the membership in writing at least thirty (30) days in advance of the Annual Meeting. If not proposed in advance, amendment shall require a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting. To allow for input from those who may not be able to attend the annual meeting, bylaws may also be amended by online vote of the SACRAO membership. Online votes are subject to the requirement of thirty (30) days notice prior to the vote, or the amendment shall require a two-thirds majority of the votes cast. |